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City of Bryan, Texas



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FM 1179 Widening Project Survey

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Bryan District is developing plans to widen FM 1179 from Easterling Drive to FM 158 (Boonville Road) in order to enhance safety, reduce congestion, and modernize the roadway configuration to current design standards. The total length of the project is approximately 3.6 miles and 39 acres of proposed right-of-way would be required. FM 1179 is owned and managed by TxDOT, not the City of Bryan.

The proposed project includes:

  • Widening the existing two-lane roadway to four lanes, with two lanes in each direction separated by raised medians with dedicated left-turn lanes at selected intersections.
  • Constructing roundabouts at the Coyote Run Road and Merka Road/Steep Hollow Road intersections.
  • Providing pedestrian and bicycle accommodations within the project limits, including the construction of a shared-use path — a wide sidewalk that can be used by both pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Adjusting the roadway alignment to current design standards.

Additional information

Public Survey
TxDOT has asked the city for written support of this project, and we want to hear from you. If you are a frequent traveler on FM 1179, please provide your input by completing the online survey by Friday, Feb. 28.

Complete the online survey