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City of Bryan, Texas



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Environmental Services

Need help with your city-issued garbage can?

  • New residents: Please check to ensure there is a waste container at your residence. If not, please contact the Public Works Call Center at (979) 209-5900.
  • All residents: Please contact the Public Works Call Center at (979) 209-5900 or Email Waste Collection for container needs, repairs, and any questions or concerns.
  • Help Bryan: You may also use our HelpBryan online email form.

Environmental Services
Welcome to the City of Bryan Environmental Services Department. Our Customer Service Representatives are here to serve you from Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. If you need to request repairs or just need more information about a particular service, please contact the Call Center at (979) 209-5900 or Email Environmental Services and they will be happy to assist you.

The goals of the Environmental Services Department are:

  • Provide timely and cost effective solid waste collection and disposal
  • Reduce waste through recycling, composting, and waste minimization
  • Respond promptly to citizen complaints and requests
  • Process invoices and payroll effectively
  • Provide accurate wastewater laboratory testing and analysis
  • Ensure environmental compliance throughout the community

These tasks are accomplished by hiring and retaining a highly-trained professional staff who understand that the Environmental Services Department’s primary goal is to provide outstanding customer service.

Bryan has been a member of Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s Clean Texas program, formerly Clean Cities 2000, since 1996. As a participant in this program we have committed that Bryan is dedicated to improving the quality of life in the Brazos Valley through environmental stewardship and implementing waste reduction, recycling, composting, and public education programs.

The Environmental Services Department takes pride in all that we do and we look forward to serving you each and every day. For questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

To report after-hour emergencies, please call BTU Dispatch at (979) 822-3777.

Public Works Call Center

Our Customer Service Representatives are here to serve you from Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. If you need to request repairs or just need more information about a particular service, please contact the call center at (979-209-5900) or Email Environmental Services and they will be happy to assist you.

To report after-hour emergencies, please call BTU Dispatch at (979-822-3777).

Other Helpful Numbers

  • BVSWMA Composting Facility | 361-0859
  • Household Hazardous Waste Hotline | 764-3809
  • Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency | 764-3832
  • Brazos Beautiful | 776-6227

Illegal Dumping Investigations | Illegal Dumping is a Crime

Illegal Dumping Hurts the Community

Dumping trash in prohibited areas can cause public health and safety concerns. Broken glass, exposed metal and other dangerous materials can hurt children playing around illegally dumped debris. Rats, snakes, mosquitoes and other pests are attracted to and populate within dumped garbage. This debris washes into storm drains during rain, and eventually ends up in our neighborhood creeks.

Illegal dumpsites and roadside litter create a negative image of our community. Illegal dumping also creates more illegal dumping – people are much more likely to dump on property where trash already exists.

Cleanup costs can be very expensive The Texas Department of Transportation spends $37 million a year in state tax dollars picking up roadside litter alone.

Stopping illegal dumping makes good environmental sense and good economic sense. You can help solve the problem by working with the City of Bryan to create a cleaner, healthier, and safer community.

Common Illegal Dumping Methods

  • Throwing litter out of a car, truck or boat.
  • Dumping household trash, construction debris or yard waste on land that is not a legal landfill.
  • Dumping household trash in someone’s dumpster without authorization.
  • Hauling trash for profit and dumping it on land that is not a legal landfill.
  • Letting someone else dump waste on your property, whether they pay you or not.
  • Pouring used motor oil or restaurant grease into storm drains or down manhole covers.
  • Disposing of old cars by rolling them into a river.

Texas Litter Abatement Act / Fines for Illegal Dumping

Class C Misdemeanor: If the amount dumped weighs 5 pounds or less or has a volume of 5 gallons or less, the maximum penalty is:

  • A fine not to exceed $500

Class B Misdemeanor: If the amount dumped weighs more than 5 pounds but less than 500 pounds or has a volume of more than 5 gallons but less than 100 cubic feet, the maximum penalty is:

  • A fine not to exceed $2,000; or
  • Confinement in jail for a term not to exceed 180 days; or
  • Both fine and confinement

Class A Misdemeanor: (1) If the amount dumped weighs 500 pounds or more, but less than 1,000 pounds, or has a volume of 100 cubic feet or more, but less than 200 cubic feet; or (2) if it was disposed for a commercial purpose and weighs more than five pounds but less than 200 pounds or has a volume of more than 5 gallons but less than 200 cubic feet, the maximum penalty is:

  • A fine not to exceed $4,000; or
  • Confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year; or
  • Both fine and confinement

State Jail Felony: (1) If the amount dumped weighs 1,000 pounds or more or has a volume of 200 cubic feet or more; or (2) if it was disposed for a commercial purpose and weighs 200 pounds or more, or has a volume of 200 cubic feet or more, or is contained in a closed barrel or drum, the maximum penalty is:

  • Confinement in a state jail for not more than two years, but not less than 180 days
  • Additionally, an individual may also be fined an amount not to exceed $10,000

Note: If it is shown on the trial of the defendant for an offense for illegal dumping that the person was previously convicted of an offense of illegal dumping, the punishment for the offense is increased to the punishment for the next highest category.

What Can I Do to Reduce the Possibility of Illegal Dumps?

  • Take excess trash and debris to the BVSWMA Landfill
  • Take excess green waste to the BVSWMA Compost Facility
  • Dispose of litter properly and encourage others to do the same
  • Do Not transport unsecured debris in the back of a vehicle(Always use a tarp or a cover over your loads)
  • Spread the word to your family, friends, and neighbors that illegal dumping is a crime
  • Organize volunteer cleanups of litter and illegal dumpsites. People are less likely to litter in clean areas.
  • Report Illegal Dumping

Reporting Illegal Dumping

Report Illegal Dumping by calling the City of Bryan at: (979) 209-5900 or

When making your report, please give the following information:

  • Location of violation (street, city, county)
  • Date/Time of violation
  • Description of Vehicle/ License plate #
  • Description of person(s) dumping
  • Description of materials dumped
  • Your name and phone number

For more information, please visit these sites:

Medical Waste Program

Medical Waste Generators

The City of Bryan ensures of proper disposal of medical waste by generator through conducted inspections of facilities, on-site medical waste treatment units, and common storage areas. All records associated with disposal of medical waste are monitored for proper management and recordkeeping. Facilities monitored under this program include hospitals; skilled nursing facilities; funeral homes, and doctor, dentist and veterinarian offices.

Medical Waste Transporters

Transporters of medical waste desiring to operate within the City of Bryan must first be permitted prior to providing service. The City of Bryan regulates transporters of medical waste through permitting and vehicle inspections. Operating permits are renewed every two years and require a vehicle inspection at the time of permitting.

Home-Generated Medical Waste

Home-generated medical waste includes used medical needles and syringes generated by private residences. Home-generated sharps may be disposed in the regular trash, but require a few required steps to protect our sanitation crews.

Guidelines for the proper disposal of home-generated sharps can be accessed through the following link:
Disposal Procedures for Household Generated “Sharps” Waste

Disposal of Prescription Drugs/Federal Guidelines

  • Take unused, unneeded, or expired prescription drugs out of their original containers and throw them in the trash.
  • Mixing prescription drugs with an undesirable substance, such as used coffee grounds or kitty litter, and putting them in impermeable, non-descript containers, such as empty cans or sealable bags, will further ensure the drugs are not diverted.
  • Flush prescription drugs down the toilet only if the label or accompanying patient information specifically instructs doing so.
  • Unless the label instructs differently, unused prescription drugs should be disposed of in the trash.
  • Prescription drugs are accepted at the Bi-Annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection events.
  • Additional outlets for properly disposing of prescription drugs:
    • Brazos County Sheriff’s Office – 24/7 Medication Kiosk: 1700 West SH 21, Bryan, TX 77801
    • Walgreens Drugstore #6145 – 24/7 Medication Kiosk: 3312 E. 29th Street, Bryan, TX 77802

More Medical Waste Information

Medical Waste is covered under the City of Bryan’s Code of Ordinances under the Solid Waste Section, Sec. 102, and is available for viewing online.

For specific information regarding the operation of medical waste facilities, please call the City of Bryan Environmental Services Department at (979) 209-5900 to speak to a Specialist.

Other Helpful Information:

Stormwater Management Program

Urban and storm water runoff is a serious concern, in both dry and rainy seasons. It is contaminated with pesticides, fertilizer, animal droppings, trash, food wastes, automotive by-products and other toxic substances that are part of our urban environment. Waters that flow over streets, parking lots, construction sites and industrial facilities carry these pollutants through a storm drain network directly to the lakes, streams and beaches of Texas.