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City of Bryan, Texas



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City of Bryan Public Rights-of-Way Management

Ordinance 2229 – Chapter 106 – Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places – Article V – Public Rights of Way

Please click the link below for the Right of Way Work Permit Application:

Right of Way Permitting is now live on the Online Permitting Portal!

Please visit the Online Permitting Portal to apply for a Right of Way work permit.

Inquiries and Permits are to be submitted to

On behalf of its citizens, the City of Bryan owns and maintains a large amount of right-of-way and easement areas. Because the use of the City’s Public Rights-of-Way for the installation of facilities is increasing, the City has adopted Chapter 106, City Code, and other Code provisions, manuals, and guides that are applicable to utility and public service providers who install, maintain, repair, or access their facilities located in whole or in part in Public Rights-of-Way within the City.

The following are the types of permitted uses covered by the Right of Way Work Permit:

TYPE A: Special ($100)

Contractor, Business or Home owner requiring any of the following:

  • Drop off or delivery of materials (more than one hour)
  • Placing cranes or High lifts in right-of-way
  • Placing dumpsters or POD’s, etc. in right-of-way
  • Remodeling/Painting/Pressure Cleaning
  • Placing a Dumpster (not on private property)
  • Storing building materials
  • Tree Trimming
  • Other (please explain)

TYPE B: Utility Construction – Above/Below Ground ($500)

  • Gas, wired Cable or wired / wireless telecommunications within right-of-way or easements of the City of Bryan. Telecommunications companies must be registered with the State of Texas as a telecommunications company at the time of permitting
  • Includes poles, attachments, conduits, manholes, vaults, hand holds, etc.
  • Includes services that require crossing streets or easements (overhead or underground)

TYPE C: Utility Maintenance – Above/Below Ground ($500)

  • This permit type is for routine maintenance of existing facilities. Any new installation, even if associated w/ Maintenance activities must require Type B permit

TYPE D: Residential Right-of-Way Construction ($100)

  • Sidewalk repair
  • Driveway repair
  • New driveway installation
  • Work within green area between roadway and sidewalk
  • Mailbox replacement (brick or concrete mailboxes)
  • Other (please explain)

TYPE E: Other ($200)

  • Not specifically covered by permit types A-D
  • Construction in right-of-way requiring street or sidewalk closure
  • Detours
  • Wide Load / Tall Load
  • Monitoring Wells
  • Commercial Driveway reconstruction / maintenance
  • Irrigation Systems
  • Other (please explain)

POLE: New Network Pole ($1,000 in addition to the base permit fee)

  • New installation of a network pole in the right of way

Design Manual for Right-of-Way Installations

The Design Manual establishes certain minimum criteria for the use of the Public Rights-of-Way in the City’s jurisdiction to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public by minimizing and reducing impacts to public safety within the City’s Public Rights-of-Way; to minimize and reduce impacts to the City, its residents, and visitors; and for the general health and welfare of the public. It is intended to provide technical criteria and details necessary to implement the provisions of Chapter 106, Bryan City Code, and other provisions affecting the use and occupation of the Public Rights-of-Way within the City. The City Code authorizes the City Manager or his designee to administer and enforce the provisions of the Code, and to promulgate regulations including, but not limited to, engineering, technical, and other criteria and standards. Unusual circumstances or special designs requiring exception from the standards in this manual must be approved by the City Engineer or his designee.

City of Bryan Wireless Installation Program and Pole Attachment Standards

The City of Bryan will grant non-discriminatory access to its Service Poles and the Public Rights-of-Way within the City for the installation of Network Nodes and Node Support Poles taking into account the burdens that Network Nodes place on City of Bryan Facilities. In addition to requirements within these standards all installations shall comply with the Design Manual for Right of Way Installations and the Right of Way Work Permit processes.

The City of Bryan-related Poles that are not owned, operated, and maintained by Bryan Texas Utilities (BTU) are the Traffic Signal Poles to which these Standards apply. For attachment to other Poles owned and maintained by BTU, where available, please refer to the Bryan Texas Utilities Pole Attachment Standards and related documentation.

City of Bryan Wireless Installation License Agreement

The Wireless Installation License Agreement is for the purpose of permitting the installation, ownership, lease, license, operation, and/or maintenance of Network Nodes on or supported by City of Bryan Service Poles. Installations shall be in accordance with the terms of this Wireless Installation License Agreement, relevant City ordinances, the Design Manual, City regulations or rules, and state or federal law.