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City of Bryan, Texas



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Traffic Signage, Pavement Markings, Sight Obstructions

Report an issue

  • Report a downed, leaning, turned, or obstructed sign, or request the installation of a new sign.
  • Request the installation of a new sign.
  • Report damaged, worn, or difficult to see pavement markings.
  • Report obstructions blocking a driver’s view at intersections (fences, shrubs, signs, etc.)

Call 979.209.5900

Report issue online


All signage within the City of Bryan is installed in accordance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). This manual provides guidance for all aspects of signage and pavement marking installation including but not limited to: size of signs, sign shapes, sign color, sign lettering font type and font size, acceptable location of installation, minimum acceptable standards for retro-reflectivity and visibility, standards for pavement marking use, etc.

Pavement markings

Pavement markings are replaced with roadway reconstruction projects, traffic signal projects, as well as with the yearly asphalt and concrete maintenance contracts. Pavement markings to be replaced are based on reports from citizens as well as yearly inspection.

Sight triangles (Intersection sight distance)

Per City Ordinances, the sight distance triangles at intersections should be free of any obstruction such as fences, shrubs, signs, etc. Any such obstructions can be reported to the Public Works Department at 979-209-5900. Depending on the type of obstruction, a different department will be called to assist. Any obstruction caused by landscaping located within private property that extends into the city owned right-of-way is the responsibility of the property owner to correct.

Illustration showing traffic sight triangles at intersections.

From AASHTO’s Green Book: “Specified areas along intersection approach legs and across their included corners should be clear of obstructions that might block a driver’s view of potentially conflicting vehicles. These specified areas are known as clear sight triangles. The dimensions of the legs of the sight triangles depend on the design speeds of the intersecting roadways and the type of traffic control used at the intersection. These dimensions are based on observed driver behavior and are documented by space-time profiles and speed choices of drivers on intersection approaches.”

Speed limit signage

Speed zones within the City of Bryan are established on the basis of engineering studies and are signed in accordance to the standards set forth in the Texas Manual for Traffic Control Devices. For the speed limit of a specific roadway please see City of Bryan Ordinances Chapter 118, Division 2, Section 118-55.

If a residential street does not have any speed limit signage, the speed limit on that roadway is 30 miles per hour in accordance with Texas State law.

No parking signage

No parking signage is installed on citizen requested roadway segments only after the roadway has been observed and unsafe conditions have been found.

The primary reason for installing no parking signage is to ensure at least one 12-14 foot wide travel lane for emergency services and solid waste services.

For the City Ordinances pertaining to no parking please see Chapter 118, Division 3, Section 118.

“Children at Play”/”Deaf Child” and other specialty signage

Per the TxMUTCD, “The use of warning signs shall be based on an engineering study or on engineering judgment.”

Multiple engineering studies have found that the use of specialty signage such as but not limited to “blind child”, “autistic child”, and “children at play” results in complacency/disregard from motorists and a false sense of security for pedestrians.

Federal standards reject such signage because they promote unsafe pedestrian usage of the roadway.

Because of the reasons listed above, the City of Bryan does not install new or replace existing specialty signage.