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City of Bryan, Texas



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Bryan City Cemetery, Oakwood Cemetery, Yellow Fever Cemetery

Quarterly Cleanup

Quarterly cleanups at Bryan City Cemetery and Oakwood Cemetery are scheduled for Feb. 24 – 28, May 5 – 9, Aug. 11 – 15, and Nov. 10 – 14.

During these cleanups, non-compliant items (e.g., glass, ceramics, statues, decorations) and faded or tattered flowers, whether live or artificial, will be removed in accordance with cemetery ordinances (Sec. 22-5).

View Cemetery Ordinances

man kneeling and cleaning dirt from a headstone in a cemetery
The municipally owned Bryan City Cemetery was established on June 13, 1868, with the purchase of 20 acres of land for $100.00 from J. C. Hubert, in what was then the northern outskirts of the City of Bryan. In keeping pace with the growth of Bryan, additional acreage has been purchased from time to time and presently the tract has increased to almost 67 acres, 18.5 of which was purchased from the American Legion Post.

Bryan City Cemeteries Map image

Oakwood Cemetery

Oakwood Cemetery was established on Nov. 9, 1923 by the purchase of 11.25 acres of land from S. B. Wilson. Since the original purchase additional land has been purchased on the north side of Hwy. 21 as well the newest section of Oakwood Cemetery off of Dean St.

For more information, call Cemetery Sexton Robert Jackson at 979-209-5230 or email

Veterans Section, Bryan City Cemetery

The Bryan City Council approved designating Block 28 of the Bryan City Cemetery as a Veterans Section that is reserved for veterans who served and died while on active duty or after receiving an honorable discharge. Documentation of active duty service or honorable discharge (e.g. DD-214) is required to purchase a plot.

Headstones will be standard government upright headstones issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and flags will be installed and maintained by the City of Bryan.

For more information, call Cemetery Sexton Robert Jackson at 979-209-5230 or email